Policy and legislation

Bail and Remand – can you help?

Preventing offending: Improving our approach to workforce development

This resource was produced by the Developing Capacity and Improvement Implementation Group, and developed as part of the Scottish Government’s Youth Justice strategy: Preventing offending:

CYCJ and IVY feature in Guardian article on Aaron Campbell

Info Sheet 82: Transfer of Community Court Orders across the UK

This Info Sheet details what’s involved in the transfer of community court orders across the UK – the legislation, processes and key people.

Info Sheet 80: Flexibility is key – Movement Restriction Conditions

This Info Sheet considers the latest use of MRCs in Scotland and explores what a more bespoke and creative application of MRCs looks like in

Info Sheet 79: Supporting and managing children who pose a high risk

This Info Sheet, written by Fiona Dyer, outlines good practice principles when considering the placement of children away from home when appropriate community based support

Strengthening links between Scotland and Shanghai

CYCJ paper calls for change

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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