Policy and legislation

Creative Conversations with CYCJ: In Conversation with Fiona McFarlane

In Episode 4 of ‘Creative Conversations with CYCJ’ Fiona Dyer is joined by Fiona McFarlane, Head of Public Affairs at The Promise. Across an inspiring,

Children – please share your views on GIRFEC

CYCJ bail and remand report calls for a ‘just’ system

Raising the age of referral to the Children’s Hearing System: CYCJ’s response

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation which sought views on increasing the age at which

Learning from Wales: The implications of COVID on young people in conflict with the law

On September 3, CYCJ Associate Dr Anthony Charles (Criminology Lead for the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children in Wales and Co-ordinator of the

Experiences of virtual Children’s Hearings captured in new consultation

CYCJ gives evidence to world’s biggest COVID-19 child rights impact assessment

‘Rights respecting’ report adapted for a younger audience

‘Rights Respecting? Scotland’s approach to children in conflict with the law’ – Child friendly version

To make our report ‘Rights Respecting? Scotland’s approach to children in conflict with the law’ accessible to a younger audience, we have designed a child

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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