Early intervention

Info Sheet 53: Communicating with Young People with Learning Disabilities

Young people with learning disabilities are at risk of being disadvantaged in the youth justice and criminal justice systems if they do not have the

National Youth Justice Conference 2016 – resource overview

At this year’s National Youth Justice Conference in Dundee on June 15 and 16, delegates came together to learn, share ideas and best practice, and

The Voices – podcast from the National Youth Justice Conference 2016

Saffron and Simone of the Staf Voices project shared video footage what it’s like to be a care experienced young person.

Professor Bill Lindsay and Jennifer van der Zwet – podcast from the National Youth Justice Conference 2016

Professor Bill Lindsay (Forensic and Clinical Psychologist, Danshell Healthcare)  and Jennifer van der Zwet (Falkirk Council) both presented on ‘Young People with Learning Disabilities who

Max Rutherford – podcast from the National Youth Justice Conference 2016

Max Rutherford (Criminal Justice Programme Manager, Barrow Cadbury Trust) spoke on the Transition to Adulthood (T2A) initiative at the National Youth Justice Conference 2016,

Maggie Fallon – podcast from the National Youth Justice Conference 2016

Maggie Fallon (Senior Education Officer, Education Scotland) asked ‘What do we mean by included, engaged and involved?’ at the National Youth Justice Conference 2016.

Chair and Co-Chair (Day 1) podcast from the National Youth Justice Conference 2016

Norma Corlette (CEO, Staf) and Michelle Rice (Dundee) were Chair and Co-Chair for the National Youth Justice Conference 2016, Day 1. Here they welcome delegates

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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