Early intervention

Young people and communities: inside or out?

This prezi was delivered by Nina Vaswani, CYCJ Research Lead, at the ‘Young People and Communities: Inside or Out’ event on May 6th.

CYCJ e-bulletin, April 2015

Stepping out, engaging with young people and communities  and creating exciting opportunities.

Info Sheet 35: Early & Effective Intervention: A Framework of Core Elements

 This information sheet, written by Jill McAfee, is intended to highlight some of the suggested changes to EEI practice following the launch of the Core

CYCJ e-bulletin, March 2015

Encouraging young people to explore youth in justice and going back to school to share our stakeholder survey results.

What do communities and young people think about youth crime?

This poster gives a colourful and fun overview of responses given by communities and young people to the CYCJ Stakeholder Survey 2014. Please note that

Young people explore youth in justice

Youth Justice: Advancing the Whole System Approach

This presentation was delivered by David Doris, of the Scottish Government, at the ‘Early & Effective Intervention: A Framework of Core Elements’ event on March

Children & Young People (Scotland Act 2014) – Briefing on GIRFEC Provisions

This presentation was delivered by Lynn Townsend and Marion Gillooly of the Scottish Government GIRFEC Team at the ‘Early & Effective Intervention: A Framework of

EEI – Framework of Core Elements

This presentation was delivered by Brian McClafferty, Youth Justice Manager for Dumfries & Galloway, at the ‘Early & Effective Intervention: A Framework of Core Elements’

Contact Us

Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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