
To help you keep informed and continue your professional development, we’ve provided free access to the latest youth and criminal justice information, including government consultations, newsletter and conference materials, and national standards and guidelines.

Chair’s Opening Address: Day 1 (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Claire Lightowler, Director of the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ), gives the Chair’s opening address for Day 1 of the National Youth Justice

Mental Health Difficulties in the Youth Justice Population: Learning from the first six months of the IVY project

In this paper, IVY Psychologist Leanne Gregory considers a marginalised group in our society – young people with severe psychological and mental health difficulties who

David Orr on Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a skill for practitioners working with individuals aspiring to make changes in their lives first came to prominence in the early

Info Sheet 26: Motivational Interviewing in 2014

Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a skill for practitioners working with individuals aspiring to make changes in their lives first came to prominence in the early

Chair’s opening address: Day 1 (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Claire Lightowler, CYCJ, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).

Children & Young People (Scotland) Act: GIRFEC Provisions (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Marion Gillolly and Lesley Clark, of the Scottish Government GIRFEC Team, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).    

Young people in the Hearing System – towards change, relevance and improvement (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter and the Chief Executive of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).

A Whole System Approach: aspirations and challenges – a D&G perspective (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Presented by Robert Erskine, Carole MacNeillie and Cindi Hamilton of Dumfries & Galloway on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach)

Whole System Approach: A Partner’s Perspective (Includem) (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Shonagh Roy-Speirs, Includem, on Day 1 (Whole System Approach).


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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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