
To help you keep informed and continue your professional development, we’ve provided free access to the latest youth and criminal justice information, including government consultations, newsletter and conference materials, and national standards and guidelines.

Tracy Mackie, Sacro (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Tracy Macro, Service Manager at Sacro, discusses ‘A Partner’s Perspective of the Whole System Approach’ at Day 1 of the Youth Justice Conference 2014.

Ashley Cameron, Who Cares? Scotland (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

From listening to legislation: Ashley Cameron, an Education Campaigner with Who Cares? Scotland, speaks at Day 1 of the Youth Justice Conference 2014.

Alison Gough, Children’s Hearing System (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Alison Gough, Director of Panel and Area Support at Children’s Hearing Scotland, talks about ‘Developments and Changes – Children’s Hearing Scotland’ on Day 1 of

Catriona Dalrymple, Crown Office (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Catriona Dalrymple, Head of Policy at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), speaking on Day 1 of the National Youth Justice Conference 2014.

Neil Hunter, SCRA (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter/Chief Executive of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA), speaking on Day 1 of the National Youth Justice Conference 2014.

Info Sheet 27: Attachment Theory and Offending Behaviour

In work with children, young people and their families, instilling knowledge and understanding of attachment theory has become the cornerstone of training and development for

Chief Superintendent Grant Manders, Police Scotland (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Chief Superintendent Grant Manders, Head of Support, Co-ordination and Safer Communities Specialist Crime Division Police Scotland, speaking on Day 1 of the National Youth Justice

Robert Marshall, Scottish Government (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Robert Marshall, Deputy Director of Children and Families, Scottish Government, delivers the welcome address for the National Youth Justice Conference 2014.

Restorative Justice in Scotland: at the crossroads?

Delivered by Jenny Johnstone (University of Newcastle/Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research);  David Orr (CYCJ); and Mary Munro (University of Strathclyde) at the European


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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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