
To help you keep informed and continue your professional development, we’ve provided free access to the latest youth and criminal justice information, including government consultations, newsletter and conference materials, and national standards and guidelines.

Information and Support to Victims of Youth Crime and Young Victims of Crime

This paper has been produced by the Improving Life Chances Implementation Group on behalf of the Youth Justice Improvement Board. This is intended for practitioners

National Independent Care Review – CYCJ’s response

In October 2016, Scotland’s First Minister announced a national ‘root and branch’ review of care.  This led to the establishment of a board featuring people

Secure Care in Scotland: Young People’s Voices

This report presents key messages and calls for action from care experienced young people, most of whom were in secure care when they talked about

CYCJ e-bulletin, September 2017

Talking ACEs, praising the Lammy review and debating joint enterprise

Info Sheet 65: Health provision for young people aged under 18 in and leaving SPS custody

It is widely recognised that there is a cyclical link between inequality, offending, being a victim and poor health. However, a period of detention in

CYCJ e-bulletin, August 2017

Positive prevention, putting the spotlight on secure care and leading the way in restorative justice

Info Sheet 64: Restorative Justice – What Scotland can learn from Northern Ireland

Evidence shows that Restorative Justice (RJ) can have a useful impact on reducing reoffending while giving victims a sense of having their voices heard within

Strengths, Needs and Adverse Childhood Experiences in young women at high risk

This report summarises findings from CYCJ’s work carry out an examination of the Up-2-Us Strength and Resilience Monitoring (SRM) tool. Designed to address the specific

Developing Capacity and Improvement – May 2017

These notes were taken at the Developing Capacity and Improvement Implementation Group meeting on May 8, 2017. The Implementation Groups were set up as part of the


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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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