
To help you keep informed and continue your professional development, we’ve provided free access to the latest youth and criminal justice information, including government consultations, newsletter and conference materials, and national standards and guidelines.

Developing Capacity and Improvement Group August 2017

These notes were taken at the Developing Capacity and Improvement Implementation Group meeting on August 15, 2017. The Implementation Groups were set up as part of the

CYCJ e-bulletin November, 2017

Telling the story of youth justice and thinking inclusion to prevent offending…

Info Sheet 67: Understanding the relationship between brain development and offending behaviour

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and is responsible for controlling all of the body’s functions. A number of factors

A Story of Youth Justice in Scotland

A Story of Youth Justice in Scotland The Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice has produced a new resource to help people better understand youth crime

The Women’s Centre Programme, Thematic Summary: Issue 1 October 2017

The Women’s Centre Programme has been developed by the Robertson Trust, in partnership with third sector organisations Centrestage and Active Communities, to demonstrate how a

Bereavement and Adversity in Childhood Webinar

Last month, CYCJ’s Research Fellow, Nina Vaswani, in collaboration with Kibble Education and Care Centre, shared research findings on the extent of bereavement and adverse childhood

Promoting Young People’s Participation

Research suggests participation could improve the lives of those involved in offending by helping them create meaning to their lives and develop new skills. This

CYCJ e-bulletin, October 2017

Sharing the voices of secure care, getting it right for children and young people in custody and welcoming changes for care leavers.

Children and Young People in Custody in Scotland: Looking Behind the Data (Revised June 2018)

This paper was produced by the Scottish Government, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) and CYCJ  at the request of the Youth Justice Improvement Board to


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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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