Allow youth to find their voice

In his first guest blog for CYCJ, Chaz Bonnar talks about how hip hop culture and ‘breaking’ can empower young people to transform their lives. It was only recently that I decided to make my full income from my passion. Breaking, the proper term for Breakdancing, single-handedly developed my confidence and self-esteem. In turn, investing my time […]

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An insight into life with a tag

In the fourth and final blog from our electronic tagging volunteers, Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter/Chief Executive of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) struggles to stick to his curfew during a ‘humbling and insightful’ week. I happily agreed to participate in the week long experience of wearing a tag. Firstly because I wanted to know more about […]

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Taking a (short) walk in their shoes

In the third blog from our youth justice ‘tagging’ volunteers, Donna McEwan, a Practice Advisor with CYCJ, is in for a shock… I am an Electronic Monitoring Champion. This doesn’t mean I advocate tagging for all and sundry but think about how it could be better used as an alternative to secure care. So, in […]

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MRCs – fit for purpose?

From curfew planning to fashion fails, Law PhD student and our second ‘tagging’ volunteer Fern Gillon reflects on what wearing a tag really involves – and why she believes MRCs are still a work in progress. First things first: No, it’s not a ‘fitbit’. Yes, you can wear it in bath/shower. And NO, it does not […]

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Diary of an electronic tag

Paolo Mazzoncini, Chief Social Work Officer for East Dunbartonshire Council, was one of four youth justice professionals who volunteered to wear an electronic tag for a week, and share the experience for CYCJ. Here he shares his tagging journey and the surprises, revelations and restrictions he encountered along the way. Sunday 9/10/16 A representative from […]

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To tag or not to tag? That is the question…

“No one really wants children ‘tagged’, but ultimately, no one wants to see children being locked up.”  Fiona Dyer considers the merits of electronic monitoring, otherwise known as ‘tagging’ and the impact it has – and can have – on care options. When MRC’s were first introduced for children, I, like many other social workers, […]

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Positive Youth Justice: Solving the youth crime ‘problem’ with children first solutions

After blogging on ‘negative’ youth justice, Professor Steve Case talks positive solutions in the follow up blog to his recent CYCJ seminar. In my previous blog, Negative youth justice: Creating the youth crime ‘problem’, I offered a somewhat scathing and sceptical perspective on contemporary youth justice, particularly how youth offending (understood through a risk perspective) has […]

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Negative Youth Justice: Creating the youth crime ‘problem’

How can we better understand youth offending? In the first instalment of a two-part blog, leading criminologist Professor Steve Case discusses negative youth justice and the impact it’s having, ahead of his Positive Youth Justice seminar on October 20 at CYCJ. Contemporary youth justice has seriously lost its way. An overview of international youth justice systems indicates a melting […]

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The waiting game

In his first blog as a CYCJ Associate, David Orr considers the delay between a sexual offence being committed and subsequent court proceedings, and the impact this can have on victims, perpetrators and the public. According to Youth Justice Board (YJB) statistics it takes on average 295 days from the date of a sexual offence […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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