Putting young people in the driving seat

The CYCJ and Staf Youth Justice Voices project is zooming ahead – Ruth Kerracher brings us up to speed on progress so far… The Staf/CYCJ Youth Justice Voices project got off to a good start with the first info session at Staf in Glasgow – putting young people in the driving seat in more than […]

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Making school a positive place to be

Guest blogger Jade Kilkenny tells us why having a positive experience at school can make all the difference to a young person. Primary school was tough but at high school, that all changed. I went from not wanting to go to school, to it being a real positive. A number of people and things made […]

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MRCs – are we still missing an opportunity?

In her latest blog on Movement Restriction Conditions (MRCs), published along with her Info Sheet, Donna McEwan shares one young person’s experience of being tagged to demonstrate the importance of understanding the full potential of MRCs. Data suggests we might be missing opportunities to use EM to its full and flexible potential as part of a wraparound support […]

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Progress in motion

Charlotte Morris attended the launch of the Polmont Youth Theatre in February 2019. Here she explains why the project is already boosting self esteem, increasing confidence and above all, giving hope to the young men of Polmont. ‘Kick back…and enjoy!’ This instruction to the audience at the launch of HMYOI Polmont’s first Youth Theatre captured […]

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Let there be love

How do we let love into the system? Rosie Moore shares her thoughts and urges us to start talking about what ‘loving practice’ really looks like. Love. We all deserve it, we all need it, we all want it. Yet as professionals we tend to peek at it from around a corner, unsure whether to […]

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Working with the police to tackle unnecessary criminalisation in England and Wales

CYCJ Associate Claire Sands is consultant researcher on the Howard League’s programme to end the criminalisation of children in residential care. In her first blog, she tells us more about the programme, why there’s a need for it and what it’s achieved so far.  Hello CYCJ supporters. I’m a new Associate at CYCJ (thank you […]

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2015 to 2018: What do we know about the number of children aged under 18 in custody?

Since January 2015, CYCJ has published information on the number of children (referring to all under 18s) in custody on a monthly basis and reviewed trends each quarter. In December 2015 we changed our reporting system, meaning we now have three years’ worth of data to compare. This blog aims to highlight the changes in […]

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Just a wean in care

Our anonymous blogger talks about facing judgement as a care experienced young person, the importance of listening and why we must remember that every ‘wean in care’ is an individual case.  Once you are known as a “wean in care” it never goes away. You face constant judgment from everyone – social work, the police, […]

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Coming out as Care Experienced

 ‘Jeri’ reflects on the stigma she felt when identifying as a care experienced young person, and why speaking out changes attitudes. Coming out as Care Experienced Happily unpacking my suitcase for the first time, as I was unpacking it in my tiny little room at halls of residence in university and not into a supported […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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