Which one am I?

This month’s Year of Young People blog is written by Rosie Moore, a social work student at the University of Strathclyde. This is the first of three blogs that Rosie will publish via CYCJ, on this occasion sharing her experiences of her past. Rosie’s next two blogs will look at her life in the present, […]

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Still Between a Rock and a Hard Place

On April 26, CYCJ hosted a roundtable discussion on looked after children and offending. The event brought together representatives from Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (Staf), Social Work Scotland, Community Justice Scotland, COSLA, Police Scotland, the Care Inspectorate, University of Strathclyde, CELCIS, SCRA and Who Cares? Scotland, to explore three key questions: What is working […]

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The ACE’s Framework

The findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research are now well known. Dan Johnson explores what we can do about it. The ACE’s framework I’m guessing you know about the ACE’s research by now (if not please read the blog or paper by CYCJ’s Nina Vaswani!). The ACE’s framework has become a popular and […]

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Family contact and the cost of phone calls from prison

Jas, who’s on placement with CYCJ, looks at family contact and the real cost of making phone calls from prison in his first blog. When a person breaks the law, they can be sentenced to a period of time in prison as a method of punishment.  Once in prison, it is widely accepted that maintaining […]

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Lessons from Beyond Youth Custody – it’s your turn, Scotland

Guest blogger Ian MacNeill reports back to CYCJ from the Beyond Youth Custody conference. On March 22, I had the pleasure of attending a conference in London hosted by Beyond Youth Custody (BYC) on Improving Policy and Practice in the Effective Resettlement of Young People. BYC was established using funding from The Big Lottery to challenge, […]

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The Forgotten Children

Would it surprise you to learn that there are more children with parents in prison than there are children in care? It is estimated that 30,000 children face parental imprisonment within Scotland each year. However, there is almost no data available on this subject due to statutory bodies not asking and no specific policy being […]

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Year of Young People – A time for change?

In this month’s Year of Young People blog Claire McDonald reflects on her experiences of growing up. She is now studying towards an MSc in Psychology with her ongoing dissertation examining perceptions of risk, drawn on data from the IVY project. Lessons for change When I was thinking about Year of Young People 2018 my […]

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Children it is difficult to love

Some of our children cause lasting and serious harm to others, committing offences of violence or demonstrating that they have the potential to do so. Thankfully, there are relatively few children in Scotland who pose a serious risk of harm to other people but they do exist and we ignore them at our peril. Over […]

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What about us?

What about us? I am writing this as I lie on the settee, on a Sunday morning, after too much wine with my girlfriends the night before. It was a great night, but in the early hours of the morning, the conversation turned to be about me. I had asked the question ‘Is it wrong […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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