We’re listening – key messages from Youth Just Us

Youth Just Us, the steering group behind the CYCJ/Staf Youth Justice Voices project, have already made a substantial impact, with interest from policy makers and politicians. Ruth Kerracher shares the key messages emerging as a result of the dedicated efforts of these dynamic young people. Youth Just Us have had a busy time of it […]

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Autism and offending – a mother’s experience

As we heard from Louise, family members are often affected by their child’s involvement in the justice system. Elizabeth* reflects on what could have helped her son who was not diagnosed with High Functioning Autism until he came into conflict with the law. Little was known about autism in the eighties when my son was […]

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Deprivation of liberty, not dignity

In June 2019, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice announced that SPS will stop the routine body searching of under 18s in custody, in his Response to the Expert Review of Mental Health Services for Young People Entering and in Custody at HMP and YOI Polmont. In this anonymous blog, one young person shares their experience […]

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Using data to address unnecessary criminalisation in residential care

In her latest blog, CYCJ Associate Claire Sands tells us about the crucial role data is playing in addressing the unnecessary criminalisation of children in residential care. I’ve been working on the Howard League Programme to end the unnecessary criminalisation of children in residential care in England and Wales for the last three and a […]

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Restorative Justice – time for action

Even though it’s been around for 30 years, Restorative Justice in Scotland is still not being used to its full potential. Pamela Morrison tells us why she’s backing the drive to change this, with the introduction of the Restorative Justice Action Plan. As a new member of the practice team (albeit for the second time […]

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The shape of IAP

Fern Gillon is Improvement Coordinator for Inclusion as Prevention (IAP), funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and delivered by CYCJ, Action for Children, South Lanarkshire Council and the Dartington Design Lab. Here she talks about the project’s approach, aims and potential impact. “Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated” Confucius This […]

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The shape of IAP

Fern Gillon is Improvement Coordinator for Inclusion as Prevention (IAP), funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and delivered by CYCJ, Action for Children, South Lanarkshire Council and the Dartington Design Lab. Here she talks about the project’s approach, aims and potential impact. This quote for me summarises where ‘Inclusion as Prevention’ fits in a complex and complicated landscape. There are simple ‘truths’ […]

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Back from the brink

A young person’s journey through the justice systems does not only affect them alone, with families often experiencing stressful situations.  In this blog, Louise* reflects back on the difficulties that her son Jude* overcame, and the help that they received during that time. Jude is 23 years old. He is doing well now. He has […]

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Reflections on Corporate Parenting

Corporate parenting duties and responsibilities have attracted growing attention over recent years, particularly since the 2014 Children and Young People (Scotland) Act. They are as relevant to young people involved in offending behaviour as much to those who are regarded as in need of care and protection.  Jade Kilkenny shares her thoughts on the subject. […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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