Positive Young Voices, Positive Futures

This blog by ‘Ally’ reflects on his time as a member of Positive Young Voices, Positive Futures and the skills he has learned whilst on work placement from prison. My experience of working with Positive Young Voices, Positive Futures (PYVPF) has proven to be a positive and productive one which I have extremely enjoyed. This […]

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At what age are we responsible enough to make decisions?

On the day that Stage 3 of the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill is being debated by the Scottish Parliament, our blogger David Grimm tells us why we should go higher than 12, based on his own experiences. I was born in Edinburgh, raised between there and Glasgow and had social work involvement […]

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What’s next for Next Steps?

As we celebrated the final stage of the Responding to Offending in Residential Childcare -‘Next Steps’ project, Debbie Nolan reflects back on what we’ve learnt and where we want go next with this important work. For the past two years, CYCJ and Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (Staf) have partnered on the Responding to Offending […]

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Challenging perceptions of knife crime

In this guest blog, No Knives, Better Lives (NKBL) explain why they’re taking a different approach to challenging public and media attitudes towards knife crime in Scotland. NKBL is a national prevention programme in Scotland funded by the Scottish Government and run by a team in YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work. NKBL […]

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The reality of being homeless

‘The most important thing you can give someone is your time.’ Social work student Michael Tolland reflects on his experiences of supporting people who are homeless, the impact on self esteem and health, and what may help. Having worked in homeless services, in both the statutory and voluntary sector for 18 years, I have a […]

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I’m only human after all – reflections on professional identity and boundaries (Part 2)

In Part 1 of her guest blog for CYCJ, Angela Morgan OBE considered how personal and professional experience shaped her professional identity as a practitioner. In Part 2, she looks at how these discomforts and tensions played out for her choices in how to be a leader. On arrival as CE at Includem I immediately […]

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I’m only human after all – reflections on professional identity and boundaries (Part 1)

Angela Morgan OBE, former Chief Executive at Includem, shares her reflections on professional identity and boundary setting in a leadership role, in a two part guest blog for CYCJ. Part 1: Setting the scene My first placement as a social work student was with a community social work team in north London. My patch was […]

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Putting young people in the driving seat

The CYCJ and Staf Youth Justice Voices project is zooming ahead – Ruth Kerracher brings us up to speed on progress so far… The Staf/CYCJ Youth Justice Voices project got off to a good start with the first info session at Staf in Glasgow – putting young people in the driving seat in more than […]

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Making school a positive place to be

Guest blogger Jade Kilkenny tells us why having a positive experience at school can make all the difference to a young person. Primary school was tough but at high school, that all changed. I went from not wanting to go to school, to it being a real positive. A number of people and things made […]

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Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice
University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622


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