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Restorative Justice in Scotland: at the crossroads?

Delivered by Jenny Johnstone (University of Newcastle/Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research);  David Orr (CYCJ); and Mary Munro (University of Strathclyde) at the European

Chair’s Opening Address: Day 1 (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Claire Lightowler, Director of the Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice (CYCJ), gives the Chair’s opening address for Day 1 of the National Youth Justice

Mental Health Difficulties in the Youth Justice Population: Learning from the first six months of the IVY project

In this paper, IVY Psychologist Leanne Gregory considers a marginalised group in our society – young people with severe psychological and mental health difficulties who

David Orr on Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a skill for practitioners working with individuals aspiring to make changes in their lives first came to prominence in the early

Info Sheet 26: Motivational Interviewing in 2014

Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a skill for practitioners working with individuals aspiring to make changes in their lives first came to prominence in the early

Chair’s opening address: Day 1 (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Claire Lightowler, CYCJ, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).

Children & Young People (Scotland) Act: GIRFEC Provisions (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Marion Gillolly and Lesley Clark, of the Scottish Government GIRFEC Team, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).    

Young people in the Hearing System – towards change, relevance and improvement (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter and the Chief Executive of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach).

A Whole System Approach: aspirations and challenges – a D&G perspective (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Presented by Robert Erskine, Carole MacNeillie and Cindi Hamilton of Dumfries & Galloway on Day 1 (Whole Systems Approach)

Whole System Approach: A Partner’s Perspective (Includem) (National Youth Justice Conference 2014)

Delivered by Shonagh Roy-Speirs, Includem, on Day 1 (Whole System Approach).


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University of Strathclyde
Lord Hope Building, Level 6
141 St. James Road Glasgow G4 0LT

(0141) 444 8622

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